We are proud of our participation in the tenth anniversary of the Shipbuilding Fair, recognised as one of the three most important in the world, and satisfied for all that it has brought us, allowing us to contact new suppliers and potential customers, both national and international.
Among all the clients who visited us, we can highlight three very interesting enquiries about new constructions: Two vessels for mussel farming
for mussel cultivation, and a monohull vessel for aquaculture, all of them fully equipped.
If our economic proposals are successful, these constructions would allow us a workload that would keep our facilities busy for at least 18 months.
This sixth edition of the International Shipbuilding and Maritime Industry Exhibition of Vigo closes its doors with a leap in quality in terms of promotion abroad, as well as in terms of the number of visitors from other countries. The number of visitors from other countries has increased by 30% compared to the last two editions of the Vigo event.
The international character of the fair, as well as the different conferences held during the event (more than forty thematic presentations, round tables and presentations), managed to bring together more than 25,000 professionals at the Vigo Exhibition Centre, interested in learning about the latest developments in a sector that has seen in Navalia more than just a trade fair. The event has managed to become one more interlocutor for the sector, which is why it aims to channel all the sector’s needs and continue helping companies to do business and reach marketing and manufacturing agreements in the 5 continents.
Navalia bids farewell to its sixth edition with a 30% increase in the number of international visitors and an impact of 11 million euros in Vigo.